After following completing the installation process as guided by Atlassian, default configuration is already presetthe tool will be preconfigured with default settings. Once installed, the tool it is ready to be used for its for immediate use across various use cases.
However, if you intend to generate test cases as an issue, you must configure the Test Case type or Integration with Zephyr.
1. Configuring “Test Case” Issue Type
Company Managed project
Create Issue type “Test Case” from setup->Issue->Issue Type
Ensure the Issue Type “Test Case” is added to the Issue Type Schema associated with your project.
Team Managed Project
If you are working with a Team Managed Project, create the "Test Case" issue type by navigating to Project Setup -> Issue Typefor Test Case and Integration with Zephyr.
Global level setting
Navigate to Application Settings → POPal Global Setting → Issue Type Setting, and select the desired Issue Type for your Test Case.
If you want to enable Zephyr Integration, go to Integration Settings and turn on Zephyr Integration.
Project level setting
If you want each project to have its own configuration, you can set it up at the project level. Project-level settings will override the Global settings.
Navigate to Project Settings → POPal Setting → Issue Type Setting, and select the desired Issue Type for your Test Case.
If you want to enable Zephyr Integration, go to Integration Settings and turn on Zephyr Integration.
Note: Integration settings override the Issue Type settings. If Zephyr integration is enabled, test cases will be created in Zephyr instead of the specified Issue Type settings.
2. Configuring LLM API URL, Model, Token
You can setting To use your own OpenAI LLM, configure the LLM API URL, Model, and Token in POPal Global Setting. If nothing is set, POPal will use the default value.
3. Integration setting
POPal also has support for interacting with the Zephyr app.
Settings. Please do not modify anything to use the POPal default settings.
Use Cases
Use Case 1: Backlog Refinement Session Preparation